The Iron Hammer: Stadt Roth


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The Iron Hammer

Historical Iron Hammer Museum in Eckersmühlen

Not far away from the city’s district of Eckermühlen lies the Historical Iron Hammer, which has been in the hands of the Schäff family over a period of five generations. In fact, this gem of industrial history had been in production up to 1974. Today it is a living museum, in which the guests are impressively presented the art of hammer milling at first hand. You will find a selection of products made there on display. Once it was this hammer mill where a variety of agricultural or wood processing equipment was produced.
In the manor house four rooms have been set up, in which the furniture from the Schäff residence and various exhibits from the enthusiastic local historian’s archive have been put on display.

Contact and Opening Hours

March 1st- March 30th,  Saturday and Sunday, 13:00 - 17:00
April 2 nd – October 31st: Wednesday – Sunday and on public holidays, 13:00 - 17:00 and on request.
The Explorer Passport of the Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg will be accepted in the Historical Iron Hammer Museum.