Stadt Roth (Druckversion)

The tourist information office organizes a varied guided tours programme of sightseeing tours, guided museum tours, hiking and cycling tours for both single persons and groups between January and December.

Groups can book a guided tour almost at any time, even in English. Please contact the Tourist-Information Office.

Go and discover our beautiful Roth.

Also in our range

Our Audioguide – English Version for our English-speaking guests. Available at the tourist information centre in Ratibor Castle for a lending fee of € 2,00.

And for all those eager participants in our guided tours, hiking and cycling tours the Roth Bonus Card has been available since last year. The owner of the card will receive a Roth culture voucher of € 5,00 after participating in 10 guided tours. The bonus card is available at the tourist information office in Ratibor Castle and by our guides.