Rothsee: Stadt Roth


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The Lake District of Roth

The Lake District of Roth is a fascinating recreational holiday region, originally developed as a water management project comprising Brombachsee and Altmühlsee. 

The lake has something to offer for each and everyone: the best place for yachtsmen and surfers is the main dam of the lake. Various beaches in Birkach, Heuberg and Grashof, with their modern infrastructure and gastronomy, guarantee swimming fun for the whole family.

And generous and well-developed hiking and cycling routes make it possible for the holiday makers on land to explore the whole lake district.

Moreover, the Umweltstation Rothsee (Environmental Station) opened in 2011 and run by LBV (Landesbund für Vogelschutz in Bayern e.V./ Bavarian regional association for bird protection) offers a varied programme for everybody.

Adequate guarded parking spaces, optimal connection to the ÖPNV public transport network by the VGN and countless possibilities for a rest or stop at adjacent or beachside restaurants round off your stay at our lake.

Further Online Information on Rothsee

Rothsee Movie – discover the lake or its local communities by audiovisual means in “Die 3 am Rothsee“.

Image Film
Discover the Lake